281 Main Street, Chipinge, Zimbabwe
Mon - Fri : 07.30 AM - 04.30 PM
+263 227 204 3321

Chipinge Town Council 2023 - 2024 Rolling Projects

Ward 7 Road Grading

Council is in the process of grading 200m Ward 7 road from Chipinge Junior School


Chidzaumba Drain Construction

Council is in the process of constructing a drain in at the newly built Chidzaumba Shopping Mall


Ward 5 Drain Construction

Council is in the process of drain construction in Ward 5


OK-Dzonzayi Drainage

Council is in the process of constructing drainage system of OK-Dzonzayi and the first 50M concrete pouring is under way


Musika Rank

Council is in the process of refurbishing the musika rank


St Kelvins Roads

Council is in the process of opening new roads in St Kelvin Surburb


Musika Rank Guard Room

Council has finished the construction of Musika Rank Guard room


Town Tanks Rehabilitation

The Council has just finished the refurbishment of 2 water tanks in upper town area which will supply more water to low density part of the town and the CBD area


St Kelvin School Toilet

Council has finished the construction of St Kelvin School Toilet


OK - Dzonzayi Sub-surface drain construction

Council is in the process of construction Drain on the newly tarred Ok-Dzonzayi road


Gaza A Communal Septic Tank

Council is in the process of finishing the construction of communal septic tank which will serve Gaza A residents


3 Water Pumps Installation

The Council is in the process of installation of 3 additional water pumps at the Bangazaan pump house which will aid to the pumping of more water non-stop to the treatment plant


Usanga - St Kelvin Water Reticulation System

The Council is in the process of constructing new water Reticulation system which will cater for the growing town thus supplying more water to residents


St Kelvin School Septic Tank

Council has finished the construction of septic tank at newly built St Kelvin School, its now in the process of finishing the construction of soakaway tank


Hyrophonic Garden

Gaza Hydrophonic garden to benefit the community by creating employment, growing vegetables and selling to generate income


Sand Filters Construction

Council is with the assistance of UNOPS is doing finishes of Sand Filters at the teatment plant which will increase the supply of more clean water to the residents